
April 5, 2021

Congratulations to Laura Pritschet, who was named a UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellow! 

January 29, 2021

Emily joins Phil Stieg, Chief of Neurosurgery at Weill Cornell Medical School, on his podcast This is Your Brain to discuss women's brain health. 

November 18, 2020

Congratulations to Morgan Fitzgerald on her publication! Morgan was also the recipient of the University Award of Distinction for her exceptional scholarly and outreach activities.

October 9, 2020

Catch Laura's talk on 28&Me, presented at the UBC's Women's Health Research Cluster

October 6, 2020

The documentary Picture a Scientist is available to view as part of the CWC Docs series presented by UC Santa Barbara’s Carsey-Wolf Center. At 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, Emily will lead a Q&A with film producers and directors Sharon Shattuck and Ian Cheney.

September 23, 2020

Advances in brain imaging techniques over the past 20 years have given us unprecedented insight into the human brain. Yet the field has overlooked how the brain responds to major changes in sex hormone production. Beyond obscuring basic knowledge about the endocrine basis of brain function, this oversight places a disproportionate burden on women’s health.

September 22, 2020

Congratulations to Josh Mueller and Laura Pritschet, co first-authors of a new paper in press in Network Neuroscience

September 22, 2020

Congratulations to Shuying Yu for her new paper in Psychological Science and her talk at the International Navigation Symposium!

July 23, 2020

Congratulations to the 28&Me Team on two new papers now out in NeuroImage! These papers, which reveal dynamic endocrine modulation of the nervous system, grace the cover of NIMG Vol 220 and were highlighted in Science Translational Medicine.

April 11, 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Taylor, who was named a 2020 Women's Brain Health Young Investigator by the University of British Columbia!